Make Your Cock Hard - General Advice on Penis Enlargement

Times are changing. A small penis used to be something to be secretly ashamed about, but not anymore. Nowadays a small penis is something to overcome because men can finally do something to change the situation. Penis enlargement is not exactly a new thing. It has been around for centuries, in one form or another, whenever men felt the need to make their Cock Hard & enlarge their penises. The difference is that, today, thousands of men resort to penis enlargement products or services, especially since modern science has done a good job proving and disproving some of the traditional techniques, as well as allowing for a better approach.

Nevertheless, there are certain things every man should know before engaging in penis enlargement. And the first thing on the list is to have patience. Naturally, no man likes to be told that he has to be patient and the result will only show after a couple of weeks. Motivation comes hard when day follows day and the only thing you have to show for your efforts is a slightly sore penis. Still, you should know that persistence pays off results do come in time. Tissue needs time to grow and that many people experience growth spurts and plateaus and that you just need to be patient.

Some beginners, actually most beginners, are very impatient and think that having only one penis enlargement session per day is not enough. However, scheduling two or three penis enlargement sessions per day will simply exhaust the tissues and you won’t see gains faster. Penis enlargement is based on intensity and regularity, which is why performing a routine more than once per day is not as effective as doing it once, but very intensely. The tissues need time to recover and grow in size, just like muscles need to heal after a gym session. Overtraining is never recommended.

Another big problem that beginners spot right away and those veterans know very well is the fact that pubic hair gets in the way of both enlargement exercises and the use of traction devices. There’s always the fear of pulling hair by mistake and causing intense pain, while some men also feel that the hair prevents them from getting a good grip on the base of the shaft. The best thing to do is to clip the hair short or to shave it altogether. No sense in struggling through a session because of the hair. Shaving is a pretty radical decision, but you can always grow it back later.

And hair is not the biggest problem. No man has full control of his penis and, therefore, no man can set it to achieve partial erections on demand. Many times, men find themselves fully erect and unable to perform exercises that require only a partial erection. There is only way of dealing with this and that is to focus on something that doesn’t involve sex (read a magazine or a book, watch TV, think about money or food) and just wait for the erection to subside a little.

And finally, don’t measure your penis too often. Frequent measuring is unlikely to show big gains and can undermine the motivation of a man engaged in penis enlargement. Always remember that it’s your penis and your sex life that are at stake and act accordingly. Rushing can undo weeks of effort and should always be avoided. Getting there is more important than getting there fast.

Making Your Penis Healthy

Who would not want to keep their body healthy and fit always? People are being conscious about this that they are very careful with choosing healthier food from safe resources and exercising once in a while to maintain the healthy status they need. Some may overdo it and make it really dangerous but health care experts still give credits to men and women who are exerting their efforts just to be healthy.

It just don’t end there, men still have to think also about making their penises healthy. Is it healthy enough to be used in case of emergency? Sex might happen unexpectedly anytime so it will be advantageous for you if your penis is fit and healthy to be ready in any hot action that will happen. You don’t need to worry because there are many ways how you can take care of your penis and keep it in good shape. Keeping your body healthy and fit will maintain the blood flowing correctly through the veins and arteries.

Exercising on a regular basis and eating healthy food will increase your ability to sustain prolonged physical effort and we all know that sex is effort. Junk food brings in a lot of bad cholesterol that clogs your arteries and also a huge amount of excess calories that make you fat. Smoking, frequently drinking large quantities of alcohol, taking recreational drugs and lack of exercising will sap your stamina and also slow down the flow of blood. The ability to achieve and sustain erections depends directly on the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It’s a good idea to avoid junk food and refrain from the excess consumption of alcohol, drugs or tobacco.

To ensure your penile fitness, all you have to do is to exercise it just like how you exercise your muscles. Penis is not a muscle and cannot be exercised along with other parts of the body, so penis must resort to special exercises developed especially for it. Penis exercises can be used for maintaining fitness, preventing or controlling premature ejaculation and increasing the length and girth of the penis. To this end we always recommend the PenisHealth™ program of exercises, which is known to hundreds of happy guys as a thorough approach and an effective solution.

Although penis enlargement is quite a rare concept, it is easy to follow and even easier to do. It can be done privately in your bathroom and bedroom where nobody can see you. You can do the exercises for 30 minutes every other day or whenever you see fit. You can perform the exercise targeting premature ejaculation absolutely anywhere while you’re sitting down and nobody can recognize what you’re doing. Making your penis healthy is as easy as making your body healthy.

To maximize the fitness of your penis and learn the techniques that will improve your overall sexual health and stamina, visit


Penis Enlargement: Do It with Your Partner

Penis enlargement program is very helpful to men. It can help them achieve the additional inches and self-confidence they need only if they follow the instructions. Performing the penis exercises and wearing the traction device can be done easily at home where nobody can see you especially if you’re alone. You have to be careful with this if you’re married or, living with your friends or relatives.

Married men should not worry at all because they can consider asking their wives for help. Why not? It may be an unbelievable idea but there’s no harm in trying. Talk to your wife about it, that you want to do it with her. Tell her how important it is to you, that you’re doing it for her too and she’ll be helping you with all her heart.

Women are caring and nurturing by nature and so you have a good chance that she would consent to help you with this, especially if you make it sound like a game or a secret that only you two share. They are also going to be intrigued by the idea of penis enlargement exercises and will probably want to see what these exercises are all about and maybe a live demonstration. From a live demonstration, it’s really a small step to getting her to see what a hands-on session feels like. People are curious by nature and always ready to try new things.

Remember: don’t be too aggressive. You don’t need to force your partner to like penis enlargement. We all know that not all women are open-minded with this idea. Don’t oblige her to help you neither blackmail her because this can only be the reason why she’ll leave you in the end. What you should do is persuade her about penis enlargement, that it is something both of you should be involved of. In time, she’ll realize how it can be of big help to your relationship that she will understand and be willing to give you the support you need.

Click here to try a reliable penis enlargement and benefit from an improved level of confidence and self-esteem.


The Best Options for Penis Enlargement

Men are paving their way for today’s top rated penis enlargement method. Nowadays, a vast number of safe and natural options for increasing your penis size and girth are being offered in the Internet websites. There are so many choices yet you can’t be sure whether which products are reliable to use.

Men want to have longer and thicker penis to boost up their self-esteem. They engage with penis enlargement to make a change. Believe it or not, there are a very, very few number of males who decide not to have sexual intercourse and father children because of their penis size. The smallest working penis was about an inch long when erect, so you certainly have a big enough penis as it is.

If you believe that penis enlargement may help you feel more confident around possible sexual partners, there’s nothing wrong in trying it. There will be no miracles, but you can increase the length and girth of penis by exercises and by using traction devices.

Exercises and the traction devices should be used carefully. No matter what you’ve heard about being able to build traction devices at home or simply hang weights from penis, don’t ever try such a thing. If something goes wrong, there will be a long and painful recovery.

Be kind to your penis. Even if you buddies will try to talk to you into trying “amazing” exercises that will double the size of your penis and triple its girth, resist the urge of making a rat lab out of yourself.

There are safer penis lengthening techniques and you can never be too careful when it comes to your penis. Find web sites that sell devices that have been tested in doctors’ offices. The price does matter, it’s true, but your health matters more than a few bucks. If you will spend the money, then you better be sure you spend it on a safe and effective device.

The same thing holds true for exercising. Ideally you will have an exercises DVD accompanying the traction device. If you buy a traction device that comes only with its own user guide, then you have to start searching for DVDs with exercises that will help you make the most of your traction device.

Always consult your doctor. If the doctor advises you to use the exercises and the traction, then you can be sure you are safe. All you have to do is follow the instructions as you use them to give you the safety results you want.

Since penis is one of the important parts of your body, you should consider the safety of your penis. You can spend any amount of money or get your money back for penis enlargement but you cannot just grab any opportunity and risk your penis with products you’re not sure of. Make sure that the product you’ll choose is clinically proven, supported with medical solution and offers the guarantee you need.

I can assure you that you will get the results more than you asked for.

If you want to know the best male enhancement product or method for you, visit


Erection Therapies

Erection therapy must be one of the first steps you can take to improve your sexual life. Although penis exercises programs and penis enlargement programs are almost a synonym for spam emails these days, there are companies which have developed great products that can help any man become more satisfied with his sex life and feel more confident when it comes to intimate relationships.

Penis enlargement exercises are everywhere. With the advent of the Internet, the method has gained a great deal of popularity and it’s a relatively inexpensive option for men looking to increase penis size or simply to gain more control over their erections and sexual performance.

There is no shortage of online manuals and programs available, whether free or by subscription. The quality of these programs, the clarity and comprehensiveness of information and the level of client support provided do vary considerably however.

Just like with any other business, some merchants are honest and will offer good value for your money and some have only one thing in mind: make money as fast as possible, no matter what.

If you need help with impotence, small erections, erection control etc or if you simply believe that penis exercises can enhance your sexual experiences and make you feel more confident, and then you should start by researching offers available on the internet.

There is a lot of work to be done, there are a lot of web sites to check and a lot of important decisions to make, so take it easy. When it comes to your health and well being, you don’t want to rush into a program that will prove useless in the long run.

One of the main principles of erection therapy exercises is to improve circulation of the penis and to increase the volume of blood held within the erectile tissue. It is the erectile tissue that engorges with blood when sexually aroused resulting in an erection.

The theory goes that if the erectile tissue can be encouraged to hold a greater volume of blood than it could otherwise naturally accommodate, then this will in turn result in a larger penis size both when erect and flaccid.

The other very important thing when it comes to control your erections is the Pubococcygeal muscle (or PC muscle). This muscle can be trained and it is the one most important thing that helps us maintain an erection.

Also, the thickness of the penis is determined by two muscles: the Ischio Cavernous (IC) and Bulbo Cavernous (BC). These two sheets of voluntary muscle wrap around the shaft of the penis like the belts on a radial tire. When pumped and contracted they give added rigidity and thickness to the shaft. As with any of the voluntary muscles, these can be exercised and both their strength and size improved.

Good routines are aimed both at training the muscles and enlarging the blood volume held within the erectile tissue. It’s really worth the time and effort to find a good program that can help you achieve your goals and have a more fulfilling sex life.


Bigger Penis, Better Lover?

Satisfying their partner is important for men. That’s the reason why they want a bigger penis – to secure themselves that their partners will be satisfied with them sexually but it’s not just all about having a bigger penis.

Nowadays, there are many options for natural penis enlargement. There are exercises that can help you add more length and girth to your penis. There are also traction devices available in the market or you use a combination of them both. For a long time, natural penis enlargement exercises have been tried by men giving them the results they want.

These exercises are really effective for you because it can give you enhanced ejaculation control that will guarantee your partner to be happy.

There are other things that can help you to be a better lover. Women want the best sex with their men. So you have to focus while having the experience at hand. The more focus you are, the more intense your sex with her will be.

While having your intimate moment, don’t think of other things - worries regarding your job, a broken down car or the next mortgage payment. Mom and dad’s pictures in the bedroom don’t help either.

Natural penis enlargement exercises can help you a lot to stay in control of your body and that’s the big secret about being a better lover. You have to know your body and know what you want and what you like if you want to be able to communicate well with your partner.

Most women expect men to know what they want, although no two women are exactly the same and they may have widely different expectations. Maybe you will never be able please any woman right from the very first time, but knowing more about yourself can help you a lot. It will free your mind and you will have time to understand what your partner wants from you, even if the clues are scarce.

This can be especially helpful if you are into a long term relationship. Even though it would be natural that the more you know about your partner, the simpler would be to try new things and enjoy better sex, things usually happen the other way around. The older the relationship, the more partners tend to play it safe when it comes to sex.

And playing it safe gives you the hindrance for passion and lust. For people who have been together for a long time, small changes work best. The smallest change you can make will have the effect of the little ball of snow which starts an avalanche.

You have to try something new with your partner – sex toys, lingerie, and a trip to a motel. Try anything you both feel like doing to get you both out of routine.

For a better and more satisfying sex life, you have to know yourself more to control your body fully without hesitations and please your partner.


Are You Satisfied in Using Penis Enlargement Pills?

Penis enlargement pills have been around for some years now, so how do the customers feel about the top penis enlargement pills? How many clinical trials of penis enlargement pills have been conducted and what were the results? Are there any side effects of penis enlargement pills? And where can you find decent, unbiased guides to penis enlargement pills?

The most disturbing fact about these pills is that there are no independent clinical trials to prove or disprove their claims. And I do believe that a lot of us would wait in line to participate in a serious clinical trial to see if a penis enlargement pill can add some extra inches where we need them. I for one would volunteer in a blink of an eye.

As clinical trials of penis enlargement pills are nowhere to be found, you just have to take their word for it that the pills will help you achieve your goals.

Penis enlargement pills do not in any way perform as advertised. They are a mixture of various herbs known for enhancing libido and increasing circulation. The temporary increase in circulation may result in harder erections, fooling the user into believing that actual growth is occurring.

But then again, would you want to be the plaintiff in a lawsuit against a marketer who makes outrageous claims of penis enlargement? The good news is that not all your money is spent for nothing! These self appointed top penis enlargement pills are often delivered with instructional leaflets on penis enlargement exercises, which would work in the absence of the pills.

This is an important clue on what to do next: find a good traction device and start exercising! This should be the first advice in a good guide to penis enlargement pills: read the exercises leaflet very careful. It's really not surprising that people following the exercise while taking pills are gaining, a placebo would work.

There are formulations from reputable suppliers that claim only to increase libido and contain much the same ingredients, often of better quality and so much cheaper! Now that you know they don’t work, you will be concerned with any side effects of penis enlargement pills.

Plant extracts may have serious side effects, even if they are all natural. As with almost anything, a small dose won’t do any harm, a larger dose will have some effects and an overdose will be poisonous.

Penis pills contain a variety of plant extracts and, unfortunately, there is little or no research on the effects that combinations of different substances may have on human body. Most of these plant extracts are used because they are thought to improve blood flow and increase arousal and libido.

All in all there is no chemical known to mankind – be it naturally occurring or lab created that can increase the size of your penis permanently. You can try them if you really feel the urge to do so, but I do consider you have much better options: like finding a good exercises program or buying an penis enlargement device that will help you even more to get results.


Scared of losing Virginity

Fed of those locker room scenes? Getting changed and feeling self conscious about your penis? Of all the comparing and competition that goes on, on who has got the ‘biggest penis?’ Well, here is some good news – you can have the biggest penis!.

Intruding glances… awkward showers… getting changed in public is never easy for anyone, you know these glances are more than an intrusion, the other guys checking you out too see if they have a better penis than you. They can create fear and uncertainty. And a simple gym trip can no longer be fun.

Whilst they may be looking to be trying to compare, the truth is they are probably thinking the exact same thing as you: am I the only one here to have a bent penis?

The next time you go to the gym or have to get changed in public, remember… you’re not the only one to have this problem. Many men across the country are feeling the same way.

You can change this.

At SizeGenetics we understand how having a bent penis can affect your confidence both sexually and in public. From embarrassment to losing your virginity, questioning your partner’s reaction is never a good way to enter into a relationship.

Especially when all you really want to do is to blow your partners mind away with your skill and sexual prowess.

Now imagine if you could achieve this confidence. That in as little as 7 days, you could be feeling the results of a longer, straighter penis that no matter your sexual experience could be leaving your partner breathless.

Well you can.

Our type 1 medical penis enlargement device is the perfect way to look after your body; learn about new and adventurous sexual positions, and make your penis 30% longer, whilst correcting your penis curvature by 70% at the same time.

Our device is simple, unique and completely painless. In fact it is so versatile you can comfortably wear it beneath your clothing for 2-3 hours a day and never even realise you are wearing it.

Plus once you invest in our full package we will also give you full free access to over 54 DVD’s from our LoveCentria site. 54 DVD’s that are each filled with raw and exciting new sexual positions that will more than spice up your sex life, but will be completely and utterly pain free.

And all it takes to offer your body these permanent natural results is just £226.11.

In one compact package, you can benefit from:

• Medical Type 1 device
• Comfort add-on and spare parts
• PenisHealth DVD and online access
• Real sex for real people online DVD
• Seductive Massage online DVD
• Online access to LoveCentria and 54+ DVD’s filled with a variety of tips and sexual positions, that will have your partner asking for more, more, more

And your penile curvature you ask? What penile curvature?

Your partner will be too distracted to ever even remember that it existed. All she will be thinking about is what is in store for her later…

Order your SizeGenetics device today and experience the buzz of a thicker straighter penis. In 24 weeks you too like so many of our other customers could be enjoying rock hard erections at 130% of the length.


Health Benefits of the Male Orgasm

We all know that sex is, sometimes, the best part of a relationship, but not many people realize that there are other benefits to sex than the usual 30 seconds of pleasure. In fact, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that brings and holds together other aspects of a relationship between two people. And since orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session, it might be worthwhile to take a closer look at it. Because pleasure is more than just something that makes us feels good here and now.

What is less known in orgasm is the fact that certain health benefits are attached to it. Although this may sound surprising, there is scientific evidence to back up such claims. Over the past 50 years, a number of studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of men as any other function of their bodies.

In the early 1950s, Doctor Alfred Kinsey started releasing his large-scale studies into the sex lives of men and women that made him famous all over the world. One of the Kinsey reports showed data that led the doctor to believe that sex reduces stress and that people who have frequent sex and orgasms are less violent and less hostile than those who seldom engage in sex. This means that sex and orgasms have a long-term effect of calming down a person and helping keep the psychological balance.

Moreover, later studies showed that frequent sex and orgasms translate into lower death rates for both men and women and also lower risk of heart attacks. In other words, it’s in your best interest to have sex often. American Doctor Ted McIlvenna found that sexually active people draw far more joy from their lives than others. They also take fewer sick leaves, which should please every businessman. Gynecologist Dudley Chapman contended that orgasms help the body fight infections, a proposition supported by psychologists from the Wilkes University.

More recently, a study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 50 helps dramatically decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men. This study ties with other research and suggests that regular orgasm in males prevents painful urination in old age. According to these studies, frequent male ejaculation is crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems. Although there is still a lot of work to be done before science can provide us with a definitive link between ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer, it’s obvious that a normal sex life has a positive effect on the overall health.

So there you have it, people. It’s plain to see that humans were meant to have sex often and to enjoy it a lot. The body and the mind suffer without the frequent combination of exertion and release brought by sex and orgasms. This should not be taken as advice to have sex anywhere and with anybody. There are still dangers that you need to protect against. But neither should you avoid sex because there so many other things to be done. Between having sex and taking pills, the choice is easy.

Improve your sexual health and learn to control ejaculation and increase penis size with simple exercises.


Exposing Penis Enlargement Methods

When it comes about the truth on penis enlargement, people think about spam email and credit card scams and fraud. It’s true that there are marketers who’d stop at nothing just to make more money and then some, but that’s probably not the case for a handful of honest companies, dedicated to helping us gain those extra inches we need!

There are only a few methods for penis enlargement. Some of them are dangerous, some of them are ineffective. So here’s the deal on penis enlargement, what works and what not:

- Vacuum Pumps – They don’t work!
Vacuum pumps work by sealing the penis in an airtight tube and removing the surrounding air. The negative pressure then pulls blood (and lymphatic fluid) into the penis and inflates it. The process takes about a minute and the results can be very impressive.

The trouble is, as soon as you remove the tube, the penis wants to revert back to its normal size. You can staunch the outflow of blood and lymphatic fluid by fitting a constriction ring around the base of your penis. This generally allows the penis to maintain its expanded girth for a few minutes, sufficient for insertion and at least one change of position before you have to pump it up again.

Because pumps draw blood into the penis and make it swell, they're useful in the treatment of impotence (erectile dysfunction). This may create an illusion of a larger penis, but the results are seldom permanent. Repeated use can damage elastic tissues in the penis, leading to less-firm erections.

- Pills, Patches, Lotions, Oils, Creams – They don’t work!
These usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones such as testosterone that claim to enlarge the penis. None of these products has been shown to be effective. Worst case scenario: you can suffer from an allergic reaction to vitamins or you can overdose. In both cases, call the nearest Poison Control Center, show them the bottle and be very specific on the amount of substance you have ingested or rubbed into your skin.

- Surgery – It does work, but it’s very risky!
Surgery is the preferred method for any urologist. If you’ll ever go to a medical doctor for advice, surgery is the first and the last thing you’ll hear about. Some surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS) have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis.

Studies have shown that the majority of men who undergo penis enlargement surgery aren't satisfied with the results. Surgery may at best add an average of half an inch to the length of the flaccid penis. Surgery may not add any length to the erect penis.

Following various types of cosmetic penile enhancement surgery, some men have had to undergo additional operations to correct deformities caused by the original procedure. The ill effects include scarring, a shorter penis, hair on the base of the penis, a low-hanging penis, loss of sensitivity and abnormal fat lumps. Other complaints include impotence (erectile dysfunction), urinary incontinence and persistent pain.

Then there's the cost: as much as $10,000 for a typical penis-enlargement surgery that doesn't require additional corrective surgery. Because cosmetic surgery is seldom covered by insurance, you'll likely have to bear the entire expense.

- Penis Exercises – They do work, but it will take quite some time to show results!
Penis exercises are a very inexpensive, safe and effective way to enlarge your penis. It is very possible that this method has been used for hundreds or thousand of years for penis enlargement, but no real research has been attempted to shed light on this subject.

Penis exercises work brilliantly and they come with the added bonus of giving you a lot more than a longer, thicker penis: you will also get to understand your body and its reactions better, which will greatly enhance your sex life.

- Traction Devices and Jelqing Devices – They are a way of taking the guess work out of penis exercises! They are a lot more expensive than just an exercise program membership, but they do have better results.

Traction devices and jelqing devices are the deluxe version of penis exercises. By applying the same controlled force and pressure each time you exercises, you will get faster results. If you know you need to see something happening to motivate you to continue, than this is what you need.

And this is the whole truth about penis enlargement methods. If you were wondering about penis enlargement, what works and what’s the best way to go about it, now you know and you can make your choice easier!


Male enhancement products – their methods reviewed

Searching for a credible male enhancement product can often feel impossible at times when you consider the range of products that are currently available on the market.

Penis enlargement devices, patches, pills, surgery or exercises – all of these methods claim to do the same thing of increasing your penis size, stamina and sexual satisfaction.

Yet where is the proof? The only way to safely determine which is the right one for you is to research into how they work and what they can offer you in the long run.

Do that and you’ll be surprised by the differences there are between what they say they can do and what they can actually offer your body.

Penis enhancement pills
These ones are a clear example of a product claiming to do one thing whilst doing another. Made from natural ingredients and extracts, the link between penis enhancement pills and their ability to increase penis size is minimal.

These pills focus more on offering you an aphrodisiac quality to your sexual experience of increased stamina, firmness and blood flow. None of which can be attributed to credibly increasing penis size:

  • Damiana –improves erectile function and length of orgasms

  • Tribulus Terrestris –boosts your stamina, staying power and drive

  • Epimedium Leaf Extract –libido enhancer

  • Red Ginseng – notably an aphrodisiac qualities, red ginseng is also recognised for increasing your energy levels as well as erectile dysfunction

Similar to penis enhancement pills, these patches take the above mentioned ingredients and administer them directly into your blood stream using a transdermal technique.

Used for centuries by men in the Middle East, Jelqing is based on a combination of 100-200 penis exercises spaced over a 20 minute period.

The exercises themselves are incredibly easy to do and can produce results of 1.4 extra inches to your length. The only drawback to this method is that it is only a short-term solution. Without regular sessions, these extra inches will not last.

Penile Surgery
Possibly the most risky procedure, phalloplasty consists of a simple surgical release technique that cuts the suspensory ligament – found in the pubic bone region of your body - and increases your penis size by 2.5-4 inches.

Whilst this procedure may sound simple, penile surgery does run the risk of removing your ability to hold an erection, due to your penis losing the support of your suspensory ligament when it is cut.

In terms of enlarging your girth, lipo sculpture could offer you that support.

Here fatty tissue - taken from your body - is injected into your penis, before it is remoulded and smoothed to suit your shape. With this procedure though it is recommended that you use it with care as it can result in a build up of fatty deposits under your skin, that can make the appearance of your penis look uneven.

Penis Enlargement Devices
Easily the most reliable of all these procedures, the use of a similar technique seen in orthopaedic surgery means users can expect to see results within 7 days of applying this penis traction device to their penis.

Designed to stimulate the replication of tissue cells within the penis chambers, penis traction devices can develop your penis naturally – and more importantly, permanently – growing your penis up to 30% in both length and girth.

During a 24 week period, users can also expect to experience longer orgasms; harder erections; penile curvature corrections of up to 60% and increased stamina levels.

Making the right decision for your body
Whilst penis enhancement pills and patches can contribute to better sexual satisfaction, in terms of penis enlargement the use of penis traction devices is the safest route.

Medically backed by CE standards and made from Medical Type 1 materials, users can wear these penis enlargement devices confident that they will experience a permanent increase in penis size of 2-3 inches, with no risk of harming their body.

A guarantee you cannot ignore.

Andrew Coyne is a leading expert in the area of general penis health and safe, medically endorsed penis enlargement methods.


Fitting Penis Enlargement into your Schedule

The vast majority of people have busy lives nowadays and fitting an extra activity into the daily schedule sounds almost impossible. As daily meals turn into sandwiches and all your free time is taken by either work or house chores, even becoming interested in something new is very hard. However, there are certain things that take time and privacy to do and these two requirements are not easy to come by in a lifestyle that keeps one constantly busy. And it’s a safe bet to say that most penis enlargement users have skipped at least one session at some point or another.

Penis enlargement is one of the little things that are hard to stick to when you’re busy. Finding the time and privacy to strap on a traction device and wear it for a couple of hours is not easy when you have to catch a flight or when you have to pick up the kids, do the shopping and take care of house chores. Moreover, wearing a traction device when you’re not at home may be a bit awkward. Not to mention that even finding the opportunity to wear it around the house or to pop in the bathroom for some exercises may be a challenge. There are always people around, whether you are at home or in a hotel.

However, intrepid and dedicated penis enlargement fans know that it only takes a bit of determination and skill to do penis enlargement 365 days a year. It’s all in choosing the right method for the right location and the right occasion. With a bit of effort, you can wear the SizeGenetics™ device for extended periods of time around the house underneath a loose fitting pair of trousers or a house robe. The device is not very big and can be easily hidden by clothing. Wearing a loose shirt or T-shirt can also cover the pubic area and help conceal the traction device.

If, however, there is absolutely no way you could wear the SizeGenetics™ device without it being detected or if there is not enough time for a proper enlargement session, you can always use penis enlargement exercises instead of the traction device. Exercises take only 25 to 30 minutes per day and can be performed in the bathroom, away from indiscreet eyes. Simply log onto the Internet and select the exercises that make up your daily routine. If you have no access to an Internet connection, then you should use the extremely handy PenisHealth™ DVD. The DVD has everything the website has plus the excellent benefit of being accessible anywhere, anytime.

The best thing about using SizeGenetics™ and/or the PenisHealth™ program is the fact that you can maximize gains and speed up the enlargement process by not interrupting it for even a day, outside those scheduled for rest. It is this determination to stick to the program even in less than optimum conditions that will help you achieve your gains faster than usual. Putting off training because the time or the place is not right will delay results and increase the chance of becoming depressed over the pace of enlargement. But this can be easily avoided with a bit of determination to take advantage of any chance that comes your way.

The road to penis enlargement is open to you, buy the SizeGenetics™ system today, visit


History of penis enlargement

Penis enlargement – a century’s year old practice

The practice of penis enlargement has been happening for centuries, stretching as far back as 2,000 years ago with African tribes.

Yet the fruits of this fascination have only come into realisation in the last 20-30 years with the development of medically backed penis traction devices, historically support penis exercise programmes and surgical procedures.

For men looking to enlarge the penis 2,000 years ago, all they could look forward to was manual methods of stretching the penis with hanging weights attached to their scrotum or having a slit cut down their shaft.

The most advanced method for penis enlargement then was used by Polynesian men who used a woven sleeve - similar to a Chinese finger trap – to increase penis length. Other than that, the types of instruments used to encourage penis growth were risky and extremely hazardous.

Luckily during the century alternative methods have come into practice.

Developments that have transformed these desires for a thicker longer penis, into real credible results: jelqing, surgery and penis traction devices.

The natural route to lasting penis enlargement


First used in the Middle East as a bonding exercise between father and son (as they helped them prepare for a sexual relationship), jelqing is a simple workout which is now globally established amongst men for inducing increased stamina and a longer, thicker penis.

Known to typically take 30 minutes to do, jelqing consists of up to 200 movements that when completed will offer users a penis enlargement of 1.4 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.

For more information of jelqing and penis exercises, you can visit the Penis Health website for advice in this area.


Widely popular in America since the 1980’s, there are commonly 3 types of penis enlargement surgery: penile injection, ligament cutting and inflatable implants.

Penile injection: the insertion of cells from the body into the shaft of your penis.

Ligament cutting: the basal ligament of the penis is cut. Unfortunately although this can lead to a penile length increase of 2 inches, the penis is now unable to stand erect.

Inflatable implants: implants replace the corpora cavernosa (the part of the penis that fills with blood during erections) and is manually inflated.

Though all highly recommended each of these surgeries does come with their own risks. From penis deformations, scarring and an inability to perform sexually; ligament cutting is particularly damaging as it can prevent your penis from standing erect.

Penis enlargement devices (traction)

First patented in 1911, some modern penis enlargement devices are medically backed to CE standards and are clinically proven to stimulate the reproduction of new tissue cells within the penis.

Some penis stretching devices are able to offer men results within 7 days, with a 30% increase being possible within 24 weeks. In addition, results from penis stretching devices tend to be permanent.

For more details on penis traction devices and how they work, the Size Genetics website offers greater information on the subject.

Penis enlargement – the next step

With such a multitude of methods widely available for use, penis enlargement has come a long way since its first depictions in cave painting in 440BC.

Today you can achieve the penis size you want without having to run the risk of damaging your penis or your health. Instead there are a variety of safe ways to enlarge the penis by such methods as the penis traction device as well as through penis exercises.

Penis enlargement is not a myth! Men can now invest in a method that is guaranteed to offer them permanent long lasting results of up to 30% in length!.
